


 About Tiandiren 天地人文創資訊

地址 Address: 台北市中正區齊東街74號1樓   1F., No.74, Qidong St., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei
電話 Landline:02-2396-0514    
信箱  Email:service@tiandiren.tw
營業時間  Opening Time:周一至周五 Weekdays 09:00~18:00 

How to get here? 如何到達

捷運 Taking by MRT


If you are coming by MRT, you can exit by Exit 2, Zhongxiao Shinshen station.
Walk straight along ZhongXiao E Rd, and turn slight left to QiDong street after crossing JinShan S Rd. We are here(right side).

開車 Taking by Car


If you are coming by taxi, just give the driver the address above

停車資訊 Following are parking service informations :

金山南路橋下停車場 The parking under the bridge of Jingshan S Rd (NT$40 / hour)
Address : 台北市中正區齊東街16號 No.16, Qidong St., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei

濟南路2段停車場 The parking of Jinan Rd. section 2 (NT$20 / half hour)
Address : 台北市中正區濟南路2段6號 No.6, Sec.2, Jinan Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei

公車 Taking by Bus

請搭乘202, 202(interval), 212, 212(direct), 220(direct), 232, 232(Vice), 247(direct), 257, 262, 262(interval), 276, 299, 605, 605(Vice), 1813, 1814, 1815, 2012, Zhongxiao Shinkanshen號公車至忠孝國小站下車。出來沿著忠孝東路2段走至金山南路交會口(滴一銀行旁),轉入齊東街走約3分鐘,即可到達目的地(右側)。

You can take route 202, 202(interval), 212, 212(direct), 220(direct), 232, 232(Vice), 247(direct), 257, 262, 262(interval), 276, 299, 605, 605(Vice), 1813, 1814, 1815, 2012, Zhongxiao Shinkanshen to Zhongxiao Elementary school Station.Walk straight along ZhongXiao E Rd, and turn slight left to QiDong street after crossing JinShan S Rd. We are here(6 mins, on right side).

亦可搭乘208(direct), 211, 222 and 665 號公車至濟南路二段站下車,從全家超商轉角右轉至齊東街,約2分鐘可到達目的地(左側)

Also 208(direct), 211, 222 and 665 to Jinan Road Section 2 station, and turn slight right at the corner of Family Mart to QiDong street , then 2 minutes walk to get Tiandiren(on left side)